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Merlin S01E02 - Merlin talks to the Great Dragon

38 Reproducciones
Publicado el 2020/06/13 / En Conocimiento

Merlín: ¿Dónde estás? Solo vine a decirte que, sea lo que sea que pienses que es mi destino, lo que sea que pienses que debo hacer, ¡te has equivocado de persona! Eso es. Adiós.
Gran Dragón: Si tan solo fuera tan fácil escapar del destino de uno.
Merlín: ¿Cómo puede ser mi destino proteger a alguien que me odia?
Gran Dragón: La mitad realmente no puede odiar lo que lo hace completo. Muy pronto, aprenderás eso.

Merlin: Where are you? I just came to tell you, whatever you think my destiny is, whatever it is you think I'm supposed to do, you've got the wrong person! That's it. Goodbye.
Great Dragon: If only it were so easy to escape one's destiny.
Merlin: How can it be my destiny to protect someone who hates me?
Great Dragon: The half cannot truly hate that which makes it whole. Very soon, you shall learn that.
Merlin: Oh, great. Just what I needed. Another riddle.
Great Dragon: That your and Arthur's path lies together is but the truth.
Merlin: What's that supposed to mean?
Great Dragon: You know, young warlock, this is not the end. It is the beginning.
Merlin: Just give me a straight answer!

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