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The most blatant criminal racial vilification and incitement to genocide ever captured on camera

27 Reproducciones
Publicado el 2020/12/10 / En Noticias

The most blatant criminal racial vilification and incitement to genocide ever captured on camera. Please share this video as many places as you can, download it and upload it to as many cites as you can, and please send copies of this video and report it to your local authorities, send copies to you local media outlets, newspapers, cable news channels, radio talk shows, and anything else you can think of. I publish this in good faith, with the best of intentions, in the interests of the public, whether 'jew' or 'gentile' a.k.a 'amalek'. We must prosecute this hate speech, this racial vilification, this incitement to genocide, and launch public investigations to determine how widespread these beliefs are among the 'Jewish' community, and to ensure that such hate speech, racial vilification, and incitement to genocide is publicly denounced and renounced by ALL 'Jews' and 'Gentiles'. TROONATNOOR

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