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74 Reproducciones
Publicado el 2020/08/07 / En Arte


This document was written by Howard Freeman who, in my opinion, gives a very lucid description of how the United States operates within a private jurisdiction pursuant to the powers delegated to it under Article I Section 8 Clause 17.

The Supreme Court has officially defined the key term "United States" to have three separate and distinct meanings:
(1) It may be the name of a sovereign occupying the position of other sovereigns in the family of nations.
(2) It may designate the limited territory over which the sovereignty
of the federal government extends.
(3) It may be the collective name for the fifty States which are
united by and under the U.S. Constitution.

Understanding these several meanings is absolutely crucial to
understanding the remainder of this book. Much confusion will result from failing to recognize (or decipher) the meaning that is used in any given context. In order to reinforce their importance, these three meanings will be identified by using the following convention whenever possible:

(1) United States* or U.S.* (first meaning)
The name of the sovereign Nation, occupying the position of other
sovereigns in the family of nations.
(2) United States** or U.S.** (second meaning)
The federal government and the limited territory over which it
exercises exclusive sovereign authority.
(3) United States*** or U.S.*** (third meaning)
The collective name for the States united by and under the
Constitution for the United States of America.

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