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Massive protests in Canada against mandatory covid passports #VaccinePassports #Breaking #Canada

86 Reproducciones
Publicado el 2021/09/11 / En Noticias

Canada - Newmarket, Ontario, Canada [September 1 To 5 2021]
Montreal, Quebec, Canada - September 4

Watch All Videos of Massive protests in Canada streets against Green Pass

protest in Montreal, Quebec, Canada against the mandatory domestic vaccine passes that were rolled out in the province on September 1, protesters chanted “A united people will always be victorious”.

massive protest in Montreal, Quebec, Canada against the current domestic vaccine pass. peoples are chanting "we don't want your passport"

On 4th September Over 1,000 people gather in Kelowna, BC, #Canada to protest against the mandatory vaccination mandates in the province. Take a look.

#VaccinePassports #ProtestCanada #NoGreenPass #NonAuPassSanitaire #PassSanitaire #NoVaccinePassportsAnywhere #nogreenpass #freedom #Canada #BC #Breaking #Ontario #Quebec #Montreal

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